Sunday, September 29, 2013

Johnny Appleseed Day Centers

Thank you to all of the wonderful parent volunteers who made this fun day possible. Painting with apples was a lot of fun. Each child approached the task a little differently.
But all of the pictures turned out great!
Our apple games were bowling and a bean bag toss game.
The children played a math game to practice counting up and adding and colored an apple basket puppet.
An apple day would not be complete without some apple tasting! The children had apple juice, apple jelly on bread, Apple Jacks cereal, apple slices with caramel and applesauce.

We used our 5 senses to investigate apples on Friday morning. The students recorded their findings in their science notebooks.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Johnny Appleseed Day

Here is our class with the Johnny Appleseed storyteller. Recognize him? Check back later this weekend for more pictures from our apple investigations and afternoon apple centers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Pear Tree

Our kindergarten scientists were so observant today. They immediately noticed many differences between the holly tree we observed last week and the pear tree we looked at today. ~It has only one trunk. ~It is much shorter! ~The leaves are not prickly. ~It has some red on it. ~The leaves and branches are lower. ~There is green stuff on the ground under the tree.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Class Trees

Throughout the year our kindergarten scientists will be closely observing and comparing two trees that are on the school property. We examined our holly tree yesterday. Here is a picture of all of the children with the tree.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Metro Fire Department Visit

The children got to see the fire truck up close and even went inside of the ambulance! The Safe House is a miniature house on wheels that was used to simulate what children should do if they are ever in a situation where they need to crawl to safety. Thank you to the fiefighters who visited today.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Many children in our class enjoyed using the paint easel this week. Paints were also popular decorations for things made at the creation station.