Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

The children had a great time at their party.  Thanks to the room parents who planned, shopped, prepared and organized the party. Thank you also to all of the parents who sent items in and/or were on hand for the event.  Here are some photos of our fun day!
How tall can you stack your conversation hearts?
Another way to stack the hearts

Gluing the pieces together to make a...
The kids loved their temporary tattoos.

I Love You To Pieces!
These boys are playing conversation heart bingo.
Coloring bookmarks

Time for a Valentine's Day story

Sunday, February 9, 2014


The children have been using non-standard units to measure a variety of classroom items.  On this day, they were using popsicle sticks to measure sentence strips of different lengths.  

Here you see the students experimenting with pendulums.  They took turns building structures from small wooden blocks and tried to knock them over. We experimented with direction, length of string and the number of washers on the string.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

The 100th Day of School is a big deal in kindergarten!  Each child created a special poster of 100 things and brought it to school.  Here is just a sampling of the awesome projects that the children made.

On the 99th day of school the students colored their 100 Days Smarter crowns.  As soon as they entered the classroom on January 29, each child put on his/her crown.

Then all of the Claymont kindergarten students headed to the office to count to 100 on the intercom.  We were loud and proud!

The children loved their 100 piece snack.  They sorted their goodies into 10 groups of 10, made patterns and then enjoyed eating!

100 paper 100's were hidden throughout the classroom.  The children had a lot of fun hunting for the one hundreds.  Every year there are a few that are not found until later in the school year!

In the afternoon, each child was given 1, 0, 0 made out of black construction paper and asked to create something new.  Here are some of the ideas that the children came up with.